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The Very End
S3 licensed
Hmm, well now this is interesting.
But for what reason? Why is it staged then? Who benefits from this?
The Very End
S3 licensed
IIRC in one of the pictures you can see that on his upper leg, tight, there is some sort of strapping. If this strapping is done hard enough to prevent blood from flowing through, he can survive a LONG time with it actually. After 20 mins +- it's crucial to start the blood flow again, since the flesh would start to die from lack of blood/oxygen - but in a case like this it's either his leg or his life I guess.

I might be wrong, but it seems reasonable. In the military we practise a lot with stopping the blood circulation, a simply band / piece of cloth can do the trick if done right.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha, yeah, they will **** us up
The Very End
S3 licensed
Eric, Victor and Scawen would be a perfetct threesome for a Hangover inspired experience. We all know Vic lives in the right place to get, well drugs, Eric is careface so he probally will join, and look an Scawen. Come on, no offence or anything, but he is a god damn hippie. He must smoke or drink some seriously strong stuff!
The Very End
S3 licensed
I see it's no easy job doing this!

You might have answered this before, but what is your goal, what do you want to archive with all this? Is it some sort of self-test, only reason is because you can and want to look back at what you accomplished?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :TVE, the only person to actually make a profit while on vacation.

Gotta save for retirement when my wallet and dick is gone!

Quote from :I'm glad of that all the time.

Just watched a movie about the American Holocaust (Vietnam), bbrr!

Most overrated place like ever. I could return the question. What the h. is there to see in Oslo.


Haha well.. oh uhm... well **** Oslo, it's so badit's not even worth speaking about. Hopefully you are wrong about Amster tho
The Very End
S3 licensed
What is it btw, and is it real or manipulated pictures (of course I know the colors are manipulated and so on, but speaking of the actually fotage)?
Looks pretty real in terms of how the air would react from the forces of a plain (which I again have no knowlege about).
Scource(s) ?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Oh come on, it's spelled completely different ;P
I am usually O.K at European stuff, but things which have almost identically names just confuses me ;p
The Very End
S3 licensed
The ones ie named "best" and the other is "common"
Dude, do you think I am the sort of guy that manage to pull of hooking up with the "best"? Look for bottom feeders and you'll find my name
The Very End
S3 licensed
Wait what? You trying to convince me they are nice and then showing me pic. #2?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Said no one..EVER!
The Very End
S3 licensed
God ****ing damnit, why!?
But seriously, are the world starting to have a problem with lacking frogs? If so, why?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Then prove me wrong
I have only (in real life) seen two girls from that country, and they were so ugly that even not a bottle of Jägermaister could get me to want to have sex with them. Jesus christ they were 200kilos monsters ready to murder you!

But sincerly, if you can prove me wrong I would just be happy! Then I have a new country to invade!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Tor, I thought shitugly women were your type?!

Quote from Kid222 :I forgot, man to man action is probably more fun for you. /OT (?)

Ask the guy quoted above, he should know all of my likings.
And bitch plz Dawe, don't try to talk this away as it was girls invovled the last time we had sexyeh time!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :You're not gonna visit a damn museum if you can party hard on fridays lol.

That hotel is 5 min driving from where I live, hotel is better than the ones next our house and also close to the centrum. I can name ya great places to drink and smoke. Don't forget to ask for public transport tickets. Hotel must give it for free

Thanks for advice! What was the name on the place you would recommend?

Quote from Kid222 :I'm really scared that he'll come to CZ one day to drink our beer and steal our women.

You can have your shitugly womans for yourself thank you
The Very End
S3 licensed
No shit? I should have known this would turn out to some mongoloid cockfest ;p
But on a serious note Bose, if you are around we could meet up and just have a cofee or something! I probally will need a cofee mid-day one of the days to wake up form the terrible hangovers

(Or if any other from the area want to meet, just say, it's not a least not a big one)
The Very End
S3 licensed
Edit: Lol picture got censored from forum. Fukc u Vic!

Fcking spiders..
The Very End
S3 licensed
THIS is the hotell btw! Any experiences with it?

Edit: Link ****ed, hotell's name is "Best Western Blue Tower Hotel".
The Very End
S3 licensed
Bavaria? Wtf is that? Ompa-Lompa land?
The Very End
S3 licensed
The other guy has ordered the hotell, I will find out the name later today
The Very End
S3 licensed
There is not a safe place in this world Fram, you should know that allready lol
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :God damnit. You're gonna be within a radius of 20km from me.


HOLY ****BALLS!! Netherland in for inevitable disaster!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Brace your windows, hide your whores, TVE will be coming and knock down your door!

So, all shit is lose, me and some friends from Norway will from 17-20 may (this month duh) be in Netherlands, more specifiq in Amsterdam!

Here we will eat, drink, shit and whore ourself to an early grave, or at least a painfull weekend!

So what is there to see in Amsterdam?!

Not enough !?!?!?!?!, so added some more!?